Window Profile Extrusion Line
Baekeland provides flexible solutions for different manufacturers of door and window profiles, a variety of parallel and conical twin-screw extruders to meet the needs of different extrusion volumes;
At the same time to provide all kinds of coextrusion schemes;
At the same time, Baekeland provides customized extrusion solutions for technical profile extrusion, suitable for a variety of special materials;
BAEKELAND offers you the most flexibility for window profile extrusion process,like varityofparrallel and conicaltwin-screw extruder, to fulfll the requirement with different output andprovides different kinds ofco-extrusionsolution.
at the mean time, BAEKELAND offers customized extrusion solution fortechnical profileextrusion,which applies fordifferent special materials.
Pressure to reduce cost while increasing product quality is driving the process of continuous innova-tion, and thereby forming the basis for new investment decisions. For machine manufacturers, thismeans a continuing trend towards ever better efficiency of production technology, and represents apermanent challenge, through taking care of the followings
- Increasing Output
- Alarger L/D Ratio
- Higher Screw Torques
- Material Feed in Extrusion
- Screw Cooling
- Barrel Cooling
- Screw Geometries
- Melt Homogeneity
- Energy Balance
- Fillers in Extrusion
- Wear Protection
- Co-exrusiyem